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Midnight Toker

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Everything posted by Midnight Toker

  1. Sorry I'm very late at this. Yes, most of Christianity (even some of the Bible) was taken from Paganism. There is also a hint of Greek Myths in it as well but the Church denies any of this while archaeological digs and documents prove other wise. The Yule Tree was ours but the Catholics took it for the "birth of Christ" which was really the Pagan 'holiday' for the beginning of Winter. Christianity's December 25th is our December 21st in which we do a ritual. Actually, Karen, if you like, I can PM you anything you would like to know. I used to study theology.
  2. You're using the Bible literally again. A lot of people in modern times don't use the Bible in those ways. You can't simply ignore the research that states that homosexuality is both an inborn trait and something we learn. There are things in us that is what we call "subconscious choice". For example, 'choosing' which hand to write with is something you do as a subconscious choice as a child. The same glands/hormones/learning environments are the ones that are associated with sexuality. This part of the brain is also responsible for memories and gender identity. Now, this being said, you
  3. That was my thought. haha, us guys do things for girls that we really shouldn't... like how I have to listen to True Blood right about now... *dies* haha
  4. That last picture there makes her look terrible and it's just unflattering. I don't like how the media treats her as an object but then again they see all people as objects... even men now. O.O
  5. When was this taken? Her hair has seemed to grow out more and more huh? She looks nice
  6. Thank you! I like your hair as well. XD And your shirt is awesome. ^o^
  7. I'm a little late (I lost my laptop for about a week) but thank you guys!
  8. I got a mohawk I want to dye it a color but not sure which to go with. I want to go red or blue.. hmmm... maybe Green?? New tattoos are coming in a month too! haha I'm so excited. Oh good. Haha, I was worried about the whole jail bait issue. You look good. XD But I won't say more since I dunno how open you are. lol
  9. I play percussion, sing in tenor (I can actually do Bâ™­2 [lowest which kinda hurts but I can do it for a bit] and the highest two Fs over middle C since for now, let's see how it is in a couple of months lmao), I play piano and bass. I'm learning guitar.. FINALLY!
  10. Thank you for that! Sometimes I say that the Catholic Church has rituals and people get offended. I don't say it in a bad way but ya know, they do. Witches, Warlocks, Druids, Shaman (Native American), Catholics, Santeros (Santeria), Houngans (Voodoo) and Mambos (Voodoo) all practice ritual. I think it's a vital part to our beliefs. I know there's more I'm sure of it but that's off the top of my head. There are so many religions and just studying them all is really interesting. Maybe you have someone who is Hispanic and someone who is Native American with you. What from the Hispanic cultur
  11. I don't like talking about my abilities too much so we'll just leave at a communication is open between myself and the afterlife. It involves rituals and protection spells to ensure that no demonic entities enter or disturb what I'm doing. As for what you're saying, I think that's just the way it is. I find that the concept of the devil is just to scare people into moral acts. I sometimes view the thought of one Deity that way as well. "Do good things or else the Devil will get you and you won't go to a nice place called Heaven". My thoughts, and I have no clue if I'm right, is that the a
  12. Working as a nanny counts as a job. It's hard work dealing with kids. I deal with taking care of animals and it's hard work! Some of them are mischievous.
  13. I co-own a pet sitting business, I train dogs, I'm a commission artist and a freelance writer.
  14. I'm watching Paranormal Challenge on the Travel Channel.
  15. Thanks for this topic. On the topic on Salem, we have historical knowledge to know that the whole thing was mass hysteria mixed with ignorance of the time period. It was also a faulty law system but thanks to that tragedy, it helped to form the legal system we have now. Guilty until proven innocent no longer exists and it was because of things like that. So I guess out of the negative something positive came. Anyway, I said a lot about my practice in the other thread. I don't do much of Druidism but I do include some of that practice into my rituals. I'm considered a shaman (someone who is s
  16. Sure! I'm glad someone is interested in it. I will look for the thread and we can talk about it there if you like.
  17. Wow. Well, I joined up late and I left due to health issues but I always spoke to Dax and I know he did a great job on these forums. It's sad to see him go but you gotta think of real life first. Good luck Dax. But be around dude. We have catching up to do. T_T!
  18. You like Charlie Day? So do I. He's cute in that goofy way which I like. You should really, really see this movie. If you like Charlie Day, you are gonna like this movie for sure. Jennifer Aniston was awesome in it too. haha You'll get way I said that when you see it.
  19. Geez, they did the same thing in Iron Man 2 didn't they. O_O You know, that's sad. I'm sad now but I'll still see it. I think Captain America could have fought more. I'm hoping that is turned over in Avengers. Also, I'm kinda really happy for the Avengers but.. um.. I hope in the later movies they don't have such crappy heroes. XD Hawk Eye is just.. terrible. Black Widow is awesome but.. Hawk Eye.. Oh Gosh.. @___@; I don't know anyone who is a Hawk Eye fan. XD! I think Green Arrow from DC is cooler than him and that says a lot since I'm more of a Marvel fan boy.
  20. I'm utterly exciting and nerdy. I have the Bioware site.
  21. I wear a pentacle ring and keep certain crystals on my person to cleanse myself. That's about. I'm not really all that flashy about being wiccan outside of speech. I will tell people of my faith but only if it comes up in conversion. People have no respect anymore. If you are going to debate something or try to understand one another, it should be done with respect as much as possible. It's hard though when people.. uh, sheesh, I dunno how to say it. Cause I have had some harsh things said to me back when I was an atheist and now when I have come back into my faith. It's just ... I wish peo
  22. I don't believe that Angels were created by God. Angels to me are people who have died and have moved up the spiritual ranks. They wield more power to bring you peace and to look after you when your guides aren't enough or the spirits you have around you. I don't know what else to say. I don't believe in Satan but I do believe in evil spirits who do harmful things. Just as there are evil people in life I believe that those evil people become demons in death. They are the dangerous souls and that's where the angels come in to take care of you. Yes, I know I sound totally nuts atm. @___@;;; Th
  23. You know that the story of Adam and Eve is not original correct? And there is no evidence of it ever happening. How do you explain the dinosaurs? The theory of evolution. How our species is a primate branch? The story of Adam and Eve is nothing more than a story that was set down by Christians to explain why we are here and why there is evil in the world. It is very similar to the story of Zeus and Pandora. Source Now, there are differences of course. However, the story explains how a woman which in both Ancient Greek and in Early Christianity were not regarded very highly. Men wro
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