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Everything posted by Carlyn

  1. At first I dimissed Selena Gomez, I thought her music would be too teeny bopper. But I actually think it's quite good now, especially her second album. I also think she's handling herself very well.
  2. Carlyn


    I like Westlife but I haven't kept up with their career. I thought they had disbanded years ago.
  3. Well I'm not a huge fan of the Backstreet Boys but I think of them fondly. I heard most of their songs on the radio when I was teenager and all my friends were crazy about them. I still listen to some of their songs and sing them loudly and off key with my friends when we want to goof off. I wouldn't mind seeing a new Backstreet Boys concert and comparing it to how they once were.
  4. I really like cats, I have two of my own. I don't have a particular breed but I do prefer shorthaired cats because you don't have to groom them as much. Cats are the best pets for my family as we don't have enough time to look after an animal that needs a lot of attention.
  5. Looking through my emails and looking through this forum.
  6. Happy Birthday Amber, I got you some gifts: Here is what every girl your age wants: and some new art supplies
  7. Carlyn

    my photos

    Wow I love the fireworks pictures. They look great.
  8. I would take my whole family and my best friends on a round the world trip, maybe a round the world cruise because I don't like flying. The only place that I wouldn't go is Antarctica or any war zone country.
  9. Happy Birthday Sarah Here's another cake for you
  10. that's so funny Chris! Also true.
  11. I always look forward to my birthday, I don't know whether I will stop when I get older. I look forward to the birthdays of my friends and family too.
  12. I wouldn't mind if Emma played a princess in a Disney movie. I think it would be cute. I would love it too if she sung too.
  13. I've been on school camps before but we stayed in cabins. I've never slept in a tent before. I don't think I'll enjoy it because I didn't even like being in a cabin. I mainly didn't enjoy camping because I was cold, hungry and tired through the whole experience. However, I would give camping outdoors a go just for the experience. Two years ago, I was going to go on a road trip with one of my friends and we were going to camp instead of staying in hotels to save money.
  14. I thought the season finale was a bit lacklustre but I thought the big reveal about River Song was pretty clever. I liked that lizard lady who is kinda like Sherlock Holmes.
  15. I watch movies on a weekly basis, mostly movie that I own. If I'm bored I rent some dvds. I normally watch a movie while doing other stuff as well such as eating, studying or folding the laundry. When a big blockbuster is playing in the cinema I usualy go out and see that on the weekend as soon as the movie is out or that weekend.
  16. I prefer fiction because I like to read about fantasy. I do read non fiction books sometimes, like if one of my favourite celebrities have written an autobiography, I will read them. I also like to read the autobiographies of people I don't like or who have done bad things just so I know what it was that they were thinking at the time and how they justify what they did.
  17. Carlyn


    I've read Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, I have yet to read the other books from the Bronte sisters. I don't know who the authors are but I want to read the new ones about zombies or whatever supernatural forces are in it. I guess I like Jane Eyre better because I like the love story between Jane and Mr. Rochester which is not destructive like Cathy and Heathcliff's love.
  18. I would really like some sushi or some fried chicken and I wouldn't mind a chocolate milkshake.
  19. I'm really getting into the Australian Masterchef. They had this episode where the contestants had to work 24hours to feed a mine site. It was awesome seeing them work around the clock, feeding the miners breakfast, lunch and dinner. I liked seeing the contestants, all frenzied when they had to cook and how bleary eyed they looked at times. My favourite contestant is Kumar because he's more calmer than most of the contestants. I think he doesn't really care that if he doesn't win because he's old and accomplished so much already.
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