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Just got a weird email inviting me to a celebrity gossip event of some kind... obviously these PR types aren't good at picking their audience, since celebrity gossip may be one of the things I have ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST IN. :P So weird. Some people's kids.

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Watching the local news because there's a huge fire and it's coming towards the place I work at and they say people evacuated because they couldn't breathe and all. Thank God it was my day off o.o But seriously even though I live in the center down town and the sky is grey

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Watching the local news because there's a huge fire and it's coming towards the place I work at and they say people evacuated because they couldn't breathe and all. Thank God it was my day off o.o But seriously even though I live in the center down town and the sky is grey


Thank goodness you're safe though!

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Sitting at work reading about the horrible events in Colorado last night. I find news like this to be extremely upsetting; I feel physically ill. I should probably pull myself away and focus on some work so I don't drive myself crazy. I feel nothing but absolute sorrow for everyone involved. :(

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Just got to work. Waiting for my colleague who got engaged over the weekend to come in so I can be girly. And also waiting for news on something else that should be exciting.

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At work. Slow day because everyone's out of the office. I wish I could go curl up and read. I'm re-reading all the Harry Potter books in a row before summer is over. :)

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Just got home from a day of music festival and an evening of roller derby! I need to sleep because I literally need to be awake for 24 hours starting at 8:30am tomorrow because I have a crazy test at the hospital on Monday.

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