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I'm going to throw my name in here as someone who will pray for others. Just shoot me a private message if you need something, whether it be prayer, counseling, or anything at all.


I'm here for you, regardless of your faith.



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So, this thread kind of died. Did people just stop needing to be prayed about? lol.


I always feel odd and hate asking people to pray about me. If people ask me if they can pray for me, I don't really have an issue. I kind of feel honored, actually. BUT I really sometimes dislike asking for prayers or help. Honestly, it can be as little as asking for a ride home from someone.


Anywho, I think the reason why I dislike asking is because I had always been told, growing up, that if I pray I should never pray for myself or seek treaty from God (or whoever spiritual power, Higher Being, you do or do not believe in).


I've been struggling on and off, for the past week, with my faith (I know this HAS to be identifiable to someone out there on one level or another). There are triggers which provoke that, such as listening to someone's persistent negativism over my desire to be involved with my church. The weather has been cold, rainy, windy and my body just won't cooperate. Achey, exhausted myself. I've skipped Theology class and choir practice tonight at church, but I'm also trying to battle that negativity that I experienced from someone.


So, just er...pray for me that I may be able to be productive, less down, and able to give myself credit for the things I've accomplished. Also, that I may be able to wipe this unexpected mood away by Monday...before. I travel.


PS: Since that last post I made in Augsut about praying for me so I can get a second job. I received an offer, and my salary, and my scheduled hours per week for a temporary second job for the holidays. I start when I return from my travels in a couple weeks.

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See Kim? Your prayers for a job have been answered :) It might not be right away but God does things in His time. It can be frustrating. And yes, I think all of us at some point or another have struggled with keeping faith. I think the best thing to do is google some passages about having faith and then them in your Bible and pray on them. :) And yeah, if you're in a bad mood Monday when I see you....I think you know what's gonna happen xD

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See Kim? Your prayers for a job have been answered :) It might not be right away but God does things in His time. It can be frustrating. And yes, I think all of us at some point or another have struggled with keeping faith. I think the best thing to do is google some passages about having faith and then them in your Bible and pray on them. :) And yeah, if you're in a bad mood Monday when I see you....I think you know what's gonna happen xD




And, uhm. One of three things can happen, I believe: 1) I will be slapped out of it, 2) I will be hugged out of it, or 3) I will just be forced to do one or more of three things A) I will be forced to sleep in a common area, B.) While watching a motivational video on my laptop, and/or C) be handed the Bible with assigned and underlined text for further discussion.


I see how it is.... lol.

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LOL sounds about right, although you paint me as much more organized than I actually am. Good ideas though, thank you.


Guys, I'm praying that I can be a successful tutor to my tutorees and that I can motivate him (hopefully "them" soon) to do the best they can!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a few prayer requests :


I ask for prayers for my twin brother Christopher, who is lost in his ways and is surrounded by the loves of the world. I ask that he may have a open heart and mind when it comes to his "forgotten" family, his REAL family (me and my dad). I ask for him to please consider reconnecting with us as we have been praying for many many years.


My other request and an "unspoken" request for my friends and their families, as well as myself, for I too am struggling in my daily tribulations.




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I will be praying for you, your brother, and your family.


I'd like to pray for my mom to get a job, and that our relationship can begin to repair because it has a looooong way to go. I'm praying God can work His healing in her life and in my life :)

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Thank you very much! Yes, the RRF hasn't been doing so well lately but as mod I have to think up some new ideas! Feel free to post around and thank you for taking the time to read through each of the prayers :) If you have any ideas as well or special prayer requests, please feel free to message me!


I'll be praying for everyone and I'd like to ask you all to please pray for me as finals are coming up and I have LOT to do. Pray that I can manage my stress and social life!! Peace, all.

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oh, and can you please pray for my mom as she is going through a very rough time right now, things aren't looking so good. any prayer would be appreciated, thanks.

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Hey guys, can you all please say a little prayer for my friends mother? There isn't much hope for her but every prayer can help. She has ASL and can no longer breathe on her own. She is spiraling down fast. His family just consists of him and his mother, and they don't have any money. We are raising money for their medical bills and such but I just wanted to ask you guys for the tiniest of prayers. Thanks so much in advance!

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big Prayer Request I have a lot but they arent for me thehy are for my friends



Scott pray for him and His friends family he lost two best friend today JEssica walker and Taylor Queen they died in a car Accdient :sob: My heart goes out to him and his family/friends :sob:


My patsors mom She had 2 massive Heartattackes on Satruday night Tehy took her off her breathing and she is talking but pray for the family to strength them <3

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big Prayer Request I have a lot but they arent for me thehy are for my friends



Scott pray for him and His friends family he lost two best friend today JEssica walker and Taylor Queen they died in a car Accdient :sob: My heart goes out to him and his family/friends :sob:


My patsors mom She had 2 massive Heartattackes on Satruday night Tehy took her off her breathing and she is talking but pray for the family to strength them <3



That's hard, loosing two friends in one go! I hope he is coping well!

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  • 2 weeks later...

^ been praying for your mom for a while.


I feel like I'm in need of prayer tonight. I have a splitting headache from being upset. Although I knew it was going to end, I was hoping the job I favor the most and that makes me feel good about myself would keep me on as a permanent part-timer. I get paid more and work in a positive and motivated environment there. I also feel like I exist there. The seasonal position ends on the 31st.

I'm hoping I can find a better job that would enable me to leave the second one I have, which pays me under $8 an hour. I really need a decent income to even consider moving.

And I need to make the time to finish my uni apps, and stop holding onto the fear I have.

What a list lol.

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  • 1 month later...

big Prayer Request I have a lot but they arent for me thehy are for my friends



Scott pray for him and His friends family he lost two best friend today JEssica walker and Taylor Queen they died in a car Accdient :sob: My heart goes out to him and his family/friends :sob:


My patsors mom She had 2 massive Heartattackes on Satruday night Tehy took her off her breathing and she is talking but pray for the family to strength them <3


I have a few words that comfort You and Your Friends, if you so choose for them to. The first is to know that neither You nor Your Friends have lost either Jessica or Taylor. Indeed, if anyOne of us are truly aware of the joy of the soul leaving the body, we would rejoice in what we call "death"! Your Friends are alive and well, know this, and share this! Be glad of it, for it is well, and makes Us well, amen!


As for Your Pastor's Mom, the same as I previously said. If She is to choose to remain, rejoice! If She is to choose to leave, rejoice! In all things, We are One and never alone.


My greatest love and prayers go out to You always, friend. I love You. Amen, and amen.



Edited by Revan
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Requesting for a personal prayer:


I'm trying to re-find my connection and relationship with God. I felt that I accepted Him fully into my life shortly after Christmas. Good things happened, and good things are still happening. But, I haven't felt His presence as I have at other times...as if I actually had a presence beside me, where I--in turn--felt empowered.


I feel like He's just watching. I did the things I felt the pull to do, within the past week...I guess you can say what God told me to do. But I feel incredibly weak, vulnerable, and alone right now. And, I'm hurting...but I think it's a grieving of some issues more so of my distant past than present, somewhat.


I just pray I can shake off this depressive mood and that God can understand me and guide me gently.


Thank you.

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I will pray for you! Know that He is always there, waiting for you to come back to Him and sometimes His voice is quieter than other times :)

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  • 2 months later...

Please pray for my friend who is going through a tough time and is out on her own but it trying to transition to moving out of her state. She called me the other day and I had to talk her into letting go of the reaction she wanted to take against someone.

I spent an hour and a half on the phone with her.


Also, please pray for me. I'm going through some delierate changes after realizing the strength in commitment and the necessity to let go and continue on no matter how impeded I am. I'm trying to let go of fear, feeling unjustified, uncertaintity, and--most importantly--anger and bitterness. xo.

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of course, we will pray!! :)


also, please pray for me letting go of fear as well! I also pray to realize that my past does not control my future and I can't base my experiences now off of what happened in the past!

Edited by Karen
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