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Do you feel that people will want to go to brown university now that Emma is attending?


I acually thought about going there becahse she was there :)


Absolutely. If you can get in then you should go. People will tell you it's stupid to follow someone to a college. But what's the worst that could happen - you never meet her and get a great education. If you did meet her or have a class with her or serve with her in student government or some other extra curricular activity, how great would that be. If you feel like it, have the grades, the SAT scores and can get it, then do it.

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she is my idol, and meeting her would be a thing off the bucket list.


it would be amazing if we would become friends. but i woulhd ave to back off the CRAZY EMMA FAN image. lol





You're not a CRAZY EMMA FAN. We're all here on an Emma Watson fan board so I suppose all of us have a little Crazy Fan in us. Don't change the kind of fan you are because you're afraid of how people will label you. You come to this site for a reason - to meet like minded Emma fans. We're not gonna judge you. if we pointed a finger at you then we would have four pointing back at us.


I'm sure most people on this board have wanted to become friends with Emma at one time or another. I'm sure there's some of us on here who still feel that way. You may never meet Emma and it's probably less likely that you would become real friends with her. But don't give up on that dream just because it's unlikely. You just never know how life will turn out. Just look how unlikely it was that Emma would win role of Hermione.


I really don't think you could pick a better idol. She's a classic beauty not a bleach blond with plastic, fake boobs. She seems to be very very sweet and very real. She thinks about others before herself. She has her head on straight. She is very smart. She's got a great personality. And most of all she's got a huge heart that breaks for her fellow human beings. You picked a good one.


Maybe you can't get into Brown. But you should at least pursue it and try. You'll probably apply to several colleges, so if you've got the grades, then why not make that one of them. You need to keep in touch with reality and know that none of this may happen but that shouldn't keep you from pursuing it. You don't wanna end up being 40 years old and wishing you'd at least given some of your dreams a try.


Don't let anyone cause you to give up on your dreams.

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I was thinking about transferring there, but funnily enough brown didn't have the program I was looking for, haha. So it's a no-go for me. I feel confident that my grades are good enough and I'm well rounded enough but they don't have an elementary education program xD

it feels weird to say that an ivy league school isn't what I'm looking for :P

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You're not a CRAZY EMMA FAN. We're all here on an Emma Watson fan board so I suppose all of us have a little Crazy Fan in us. Don't change the kind of fan you are because you're afraid of how people will label you. You come to this site for a reason - to meet like minded Emma fans. We're not gonna judge you. if we pointed a finger at you then we would have four pointing back at us.


I'm sure most people on this board have wanted to become friends with Emma at one time or another. I'm sure there's some of us on here who still feel that way. You may never meet Emma and it's probably less likely that you would become real friends with her. But don't give up on that dream just because it's unlikely. You just never know how life will turn out. Just look how unlikely it was that Emma would win role of Hermione.


I really don't think you could pick a better idol. She's a classic beauty not a bleach blond with plastic, fake boobs. She seems to be very very sweet and very real. She thinks about others before herself. She has her head on straight. She is very smart. She's got a great personality. And most of all she's got a huge heart that breaks for her fellow human beings. You picked a good one.


Maybe you can't get into Brown. But you should at least pursue it and try. You'll probably apply to several colleges, so if you've got the grades, then why not make that one of them. You need to keep in touch with reality and know that none of this may happen but that shouldn't keep you from pursuing it. You don't wanna end up being 40 years old and wishing you'd at least given some of your dreams a try.


Don't let anyone cause you to give up on your dreams.


I'm loving the emotional speech.

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Read what was said above. If you get into Brown and never meet Emma, what's the worst that could happen? You get a great education.


What about the location? What if your far from family and friends? What about the weather? The majors? The choice of classes? The other students there? What about the close ratio of 9 students per professor? What about the scholarship? The tuition?


If this person don't consider any of that, and just focuses on meeting Emma it might just be a waste/terrible 4 years. They might also take away a chance from a student who applied because they chose Brown as a whole.


I can think of a lot of worse case scenarios than "you get a great education."

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What about the location? What if your far from family and friends? What about the weather? The majors? The choice of classes? The other students there? What about the close ratio of 9 students per professor? What about the scholarship? The tuition?


If this person don't consider any of that, and just focuses on meeting Emma it might just be a waste/terrible 4 years. They might also take away a chance from a student who applied because they chose Brown as a whole.


I can think of a lot of worse case scenarios than "you get a great education."


That's what college is all about - leaving your parent's house. Going out on your own. If you've got a problem with that then you can just stay at home and go to the community college.




I'm loving the emotional speech.


What? Is this supposed to be funny or something?

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That's what college is all about - leaving your parent's house. Going out on your own. If you've got a problem with that then you can just stay at home and go to the community college.


College or university (depending on who prefers which word) is not JUST about "leaving your parent(s) house". There are ways to go out on "your own" and establish independence while living with your parents and studying. (I personally prefer to dorm, considering my circumstances.)

However, I do have plenty of friends and acquaintances who are studying while living at home with their parents. Some have chosen this because they don't like dorming, are trying to save more money, or whichever number of reasons they have based their decision on.

And community college: I know some people who have preferred to stay in-town and attend community colleges when they have been accepted to brand name universities. Uprooting oneself is a tough thing to do. I did it and moved three hundred miles away and decided I couldn't take it anymore (being separated from family). Came back and attended community college for a semester (and didn't like it), and left.



What? Is this supposed to be funny or something?


I don't think that anyone was trying to poke fun or anything like that. The Dude--you are partially right: say if this person attends Brown and does not meet Emma, he/she will get a great education.

However, I do think that Emma shouldn't be the only reason one wants to attend Brown. It takes a lot of research to decide which university (or college) is best for you, if you can handle the courseload, the financial aid package, scholarships, and your interests, etc. After all it's four years of your life. You have to be completely sure of your decision.

I didn't do much research on the area/demographic of the university I went to or took into consideration the distance from home I would be while studying. I went largely in part because I received full scholarship. Loved the school, but came back.

Now, I'm fully prepared to take into consideration all of these things.

Just a word of caution. :)

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That's what college is all about - leaving your parent's house. Going out on your own. If you've got a problem with that then you can just stay at home and go to the community college.


College or university (depending on who prefers which word) is not JUST about "leaving your parent(s) house". There are ways to go out on "your own" and establish independence while living with your parents and studying. (I personally prefer to dorm, considering my circumstances.)

However, I do have plenty of friends and acquaintances who are studying while living at home with their parents. Some have chosen this because they don't like dorming, are trying to save more money, or whichever number of reasons they have based their decision on.

And community college: I know some people who have preferred to stay in-town and attend community colleges when they have been accepted to brand name universities. Uprooting oneself is a tough thing to do. I did it and moved three hundred miles away and decided I couldn't take it anymore (being separated from family). Came back and attended community college for a semester (and didn't like it), and left.


I don't think that anyone was trying to poke fun or anything like that. The Dude--you are partially right: say if this person attends Brown and does not meet Emma, he/she will get a great education.

However, I do think that Emma shouldn't be the only reason one wants to attend Brown. It takes a lot of research to decide which university (or college) is best for you, if you can handle the courseload, the financial aid package, scholarships, and your interests, etc. After all it's four years of your life. You have to be completely sure of your decision.

I didn't do much research on the area/demographic of the university I went to or took into consideration the distance from home I would be while studying. I went largely in part because I received full scholarship. Loved the school, but came back.

Now, I'm fully prepared to take into consideration all of these things.

Just a word of caution. :)

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Do you feel that people will want to go to brown university now that Emma is attending?


I acually thought about going there becahse she was there :)


No doubt! :lostit:


I hoped to become in a Public Account but right ow I´m grading Higher technical Business Adm., so I´ll certainly become in a WOLF to meet Emma sometime :rofl:

Edited by EmmaFan
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You do realize Brown is an Ivy League school right? It's in the same league as Harvard and Yale. But if you have the requirements to get in the school it wouldn't hurt to apply but don't do it because Emma is there.


Apply because of the school, not because of who's in it.


Thank you for saying this. I think it's stupid to apply to a school just because someone goes there, you pick a school for your education, not the people in it.


The school I go to now I picked because it has the best early childhood program in my state, I'm not in that program anymore but I'm still at the same school. If I realized sooner that I didn't want to be in the early childhood program I would have applied at a different school, simple as that. I chose my school because of what it had to offer not the people that were going there (and yes I knew quite a few people who were attending the same college)

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You're not a CRAZY EMMA FAN. We're all here on an Emma Watson fan board so I suppose all of us have a little Crazy Fan in us. Don't change the kind of fan you are because you're afraid of how people will label you. You come to this site for a reason - to meet like minded Emma fans. We're not gonna judge you. if we pointed a finger at you then we would have four pointing back at us.


I'm sure most people on this board have wanted to become friends with Emma at one time or another. I'm sure there's some of us on here who still feel that way. You may never meet Emma and it's probably less likely that you would become real friends with her. But don't give up on that dream just because it's unlikely. You just never know how life will turn out. Just look how unlikely it was that Emma would win role of Hermione.


I really don't think you could pick a better idol. She's a classic beauty not a bleach blond with plastic, fake boobs. She seems to be very very sweet and very real. She thinks about others before herself. She has her head on straight. She is very smart. She's got a great personality. And most of all she's got a huge heart that breaks for her fellow human beings. You picked a good one.


Maybe you can't get into Brown. But you should at least pursue it and try. You'll probably apply to several colleges, so if you've got the grades, then why not make that one of them. You need to keep in touch with reality and know that none of this may happen but that shouldn't keep you from pursuing it. You don't wanna end up being 40 years old and wishing you'd at least given some of your dreams a try.


Don't let anyone cause you to give up on your dreams.

I love this reply, it makes me feel alot more sane because as of late, ive been feeling very insane about my thoughts, but all it is, is i would love to meet Emma and have some one on one time with her, take her somewhere and make her feel normal again but in a special sort of manner. Man crush does'nt even feel like the right word.

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I love this reply, it makes me feel alot more sane because as of late, ive been feeling very insane about my thoughts, but all it is, is i would love to meet Emma and have some one on one time with her, take her somewhere and make her feel normal again but in a special sort of manner. Man crush does'nt even feel like the right word.


I believe more people on here feel this way than you know. BTW, I like your signature. And I'm sure in your mind you feel like it's only a matter of time until you meet her. Like it's inevitable or something. But then every once in a while you stop dreaming long enough to come back to reality and realize it's a pipe dream that probably won't ever happen. And that kills you.

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I believe more people on here feel this way than you know. BTW, I like your signature. And I'm sure in your mind you feel like it's only a matter of time until you meet her. Like it's inevitable or something. But then every once in a while you stop dreaming long enough to come back to reality and realize it's a pipe dream that probably won't ever happen. And that kills you.


Yeh i think you might be right, but alot of people seem to be very fake on their true feelings. Im glad you like my signature, the words mean alot to me right now, its from a song by J.Cole called Dreams i find myself relating alot of the stuff he says to my feelings on Emma i could have put up a couple verses from that song up there. Anyway, i dont usually join forums and stuff but joining this forum just made me feel like i was that little bit closer to her so it eases the pain, i hate being so cliche, talking about 'pain' and what not but its just something im going through right now dude omg i need to shut up. I've just been watching a ton of her interviews and that music video she was in with one night only just made me feel like a thousand times worse.

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