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What Did You Dream About Last Night?

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The title says it.


When I was a little girl, I had a book where I wrote about each dream every morning. And I found it a few weeks ago, it was so interesting to read.


Last night I've dreamed about rockets lol :mellow:



We have it in my city and I've dreamt that I was on the top of it, but it looked different like a museum, it was higher, there was an elevator inside and when it went down, felt like you fly. Could see most of the city and it was so green, so nice xD


And then I've dreamed that we had rockets instead of trams, they were veryyy fast and it took at least 3-5 seconds to get from station to station. Amazing xD

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I don't always dream it used to be rare. Lately it's been about my boyfriend cheating or hurting me. They're getting more frequent. So without details you know what last nights one was about.

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^normally, from what i heard, what happened in your dreams is the opposite of what going to happen.


anyways, my dream is always random, last night i had a dream about meeting the most beautiful girl i've ever seen lol

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^normally, from what i heard, what happened in your dreams is the opposite of what going to happen.




Last night as I remember I've dreamt of sth weird, I was sitting at the desk, doing stuff with papers, a lot of papers, I was writing sth, putting papers from one bunch in another one, lol totaly weird.

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I dreamed about nothing, but awhile ago I had a dream that on a car trip with my family and a chick that we know, she had a iPod nano with a camera on it, the camera had a mode called Zombie mode and it just made the people in the pictures look like zombies :wacko:

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^ Lol.


Last night I've dreamed that a friend of mine which lives far away came to visit me, we had fun, walked and stuffff and I told my parents that he's my bf tho he's just my friend in real, they didn't like it and they were totaly against and my dad was like "if my daughter gets pregnant I'll kill you" haha was weird but the dream looked so realistic and I could kinda control it, I wanted to do things but I wasn't sure if I should do it, if I knew that it was a dreaaaam xD

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^ Ah, you should've done it... it's a dream... so what's the harm? :D


I have some freakishly odd dreams, last night's was not as wierd as some others...


I was in some kind of "party house" for lack of a better word, that's somewhat difficult for me to describe. I remember the colour red being very prevalent and vivid in the dream though. In the dream I kind of befriended a skinny Asian kid who was a bit socially awkward. Two guys made the kid drink beers until he got sick, and I got really mad at them, as my new friend was very embarrassed and made to feel more socially awkward than he already felt by being made fun of. I stuck up for him, and cleaned up the mess in the dream, because he was still feeling the effects of the alcohol. Later in the dream I went back by myself to a bed room I apparantly rented in this "party house" and I found my old cat Cookies and Cream (who passed away a few years ago) hiding underneath a couch in the bedroom when I came in. I felt bad for her because she was scared by all the noise in the house. :(


So that was the relatively mundane randomness of last night's dream as I remember it.

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^ aww


Lol, I slept pretty long last night and had long dreams, at least like 4 dreams and I can remember some parts. I remember I was sitting in the class, and the girl came and shouted "there's a competition!" No idea what she meant but everyone went there, I didn't get what the competition was about but I saw my friend and went to her, I asked her what it's all about, but she was too excited and said only "shh" anyway later I realised that she was taking a part too and then she and another girl had to choose a partner, my friend ofc chose me, they told to me to sit on the chair and I was like "what are you going to do?" and they tied my arms behind my back and same with another girl, we were pretty scared and then they started to torture us, so as I understood it was about who can stand it longer. I don't remember what they did to us, but I remember they brought spiders and put on our knees, omg here I started screaming and beating in convulsions, another girl wasn't scared so much and looked calm. And there was sth else, she was afraid too :P and then the guy untied me and said to stand up and said "you didn't pass, bye" I was like "now..." but couldn't finish the sentence b/c he just shot me in the chest o.o I fell down and then I don't remember xD then I remember I woke up and he kissed me o.o and I looked around and saw another girl laying on the floor. o.o

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I took a nap about an hour ago and I had one of those weird dreams when you physically cannot get yourself to wake up, even though you know you should. It took a good 5 minutes for me to be able to move. When I woke up I just started to cry because I was so scared :mellow: Has anyone had any of those?

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^ I'm actually not sure whether I was dreaming or awake. So like you said I was probably half asleep, or maybe I was fully asleep and dreaming that I couldn't move lol. And I cried probably because I found it overwhelming and it's never happened to me before.

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@Sam: That happened a lot to me, the fact you're sleeping but not. That you want to wake up but you can't, like someone is holding you down or something. I really hate that when it happen, it's really scary.


as for my dreams, sometimes I remember them and sometimes I will be like "what was that again?"

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^normally, from what i heard, what happened in your dreams is the opposite of what going to happen.


anyways, my dream is always random, last night i had a dream about meeting the most beautiful girl i've ever seen lol

Oooo thank you. (:

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as for my dreams, sometimes I remember them and sometimes I will be like "what was that again?"

same thing! sometimes i remember the dream so clearly.. with so many details :blink:



ive got one dream for almost 1,5 month. children. its main topic in them & its kinda.. frustrating <_<

esp 'couse i dont like kids. iiuueee

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I took a nap about an hour ago and I had one of those weird dreams when you physically cannot get yourself to wake up, even though you know you should. It took a good 5 minutes for me to be able to move. When I woke up I just started to cry because I was so scared :mellow: Has anyone had any of those?

I think thats because when you sleep, your body just about completely paralyzes itself. So you were probably at that stage but semi-conscious too?

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@Sam: That happened a lot to me, the fact you're sleeping but not. That you want to wake up but you can't, like someone is holding you down or something. I really hate that when it happen, it's really scary.


as for my dreams, sometimes I remember them and sometimes I will be like "what was that again?"

Yeah, that's exactly what it felt like. I'm glad I'm not the only one whose had it.


I think thats because when you sleep, your body just about completely paralyzes itself. So you were probably at that stage but semi-conscious too?

Probably. I'm convinced it was either sleep paralysis or lucid dreaming :blink:



So last night I had a dream that my best friend was murdered. I hate sleeping :sob:

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keep having this recurring nightmare of my teeth falling out. It is seriously getting scary now.


Woke up in the middle of the night clutching my mouth and running to my mirror to check they were okay. Because last nights teeth nightmare was where i was grinding my own teeth to the point of them coming out. :o i swear this scared me more than anything lol.

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I've dreamed that I went to the night club with my besties, but I didn't know what to wear and we were late and then we ran around and couldn't find someone o.O I don't remember who. Anyway I didn't pass the face control and they told me to change the outfit, lol, I got a mini dress from idk where and we went to the club xD ehh 1 annoying guy looked after me all the time and talked dirty, I remember he was 21 xD


Aww and yesterday I rly got late for a party, that's why I saw it :P

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keep having this recurring nightmare of my teeth falling out. It is seriously getting scary now.


Woke up in the middle of the night clutching my mouth and running to my mirror to check they were okay. Because last nights teeth nightmare was where i was grinding my own teeth to the point of them coming out. :o i swear this scared me more than anything lol.


I heard that the teeth falling out dream is very common. I have a dream dictionary. The book says that if your teeth fall out in a dream, means hurt pride or loss of face. It could mean the loss of friend or relationship that it is important to you. There are many interpretations about what teeth falling out means so you could check the internet.


As for me, I dreamed it was midnight. I was with my brother and we had to quickly put some trash into a dumpster. We were at the shops and we were afraid for some reason. Then some paparazzi came to take photos of us and we had to run away. I ran through a crowd of people who were celebrity inpersonators. They were all so grotesuqe because they all had plastic surgery which warped their faces. I was afraid of them and didn't want them to touch me. Afterwards, I was on a train and I got off a station. I was on a school excursion and I was in high school. I was in a wheelchair even though I didn't need one. I tried to take the elevator to go downstairs but it didn't work. There was a boy who was also in a wheelchair but he needed it.


A rep came to talk to us about the entertainment centre we were in. He talked about the opera called Aida and the behind the scenes stuff that happened. When he finished, the class were allowed to wander off and explore the building.

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i dream of me and Emma Watson having a holiday together. I pretty much didnt remember the details, but i remember someone, in the dream, said "some in Ms Watson" and i was sitting behind her.

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^^ Lol.

I am planning on taking Salsa and Swing lessons, and maybe general ballroom dancing courses.

Last night, or actually this morning, I dreamt that I walked into a dance hall where there was a large social party going on. I was wearing quite a nice purple dress (I never wear dresses because I am convinced I need to lose 20 more pounds and that I don't look good in them) and my hair was up.

As I approached the doorway and walked in, I took note of the party. It was hopping. I found myself walking over toward the left and approached a man who was sitting at a table, and who, I might add, was gorgeous. :D

He held out his hand to me and said, "Let's dance."

That's where the dream ended. It left me quite hopeful. Lol.

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