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Emma Watson 'taunted' by classmates at college

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Rubbish. Emma herself mentioned this as a joke during an interview with Marie-Claire or Vogue (can't remember which). She's said herself that she loves being at Brown pretty much more than anything else. The tabloids are just trying to find dirt, as usual. I guess the truth doesn't sell, whereas the idea of a taunted celeb does...

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Not to mention they make it appear as if they had directly talked to someone whereas the entire article is a collection of rumors we've heard since she was at Brown, mostly coming from Twitter and other very reliable sources.

Wheter she will transfer or won't...I doubt a site like that will ever really know why she does what she does, unless they quote her directly and correctly, which they probably wouldn't.

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I mean really? Come on tabloids-do better than that... bottom line is true fans know the truth from Emma's mouth herself. Charlie Sheen must be taking a break and that is why they decide to write about Emma. If I had my way every single tabloid on the planet would be used to wipe up trash on the ground.

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I don't know how many times I've heard people say that "Ten points to Gryffindor!" story. Truly, it's probably not true. That'd be pretty tactless of a professor unless it was an intimate and casual class.


It's an Internet joke that started in 2009 when Emma first went to Brown. But of course some people who stumbled upon it thought it was real, hence why Emma was asked about it last year, which she of course confirmed it false.


Funny thing is the tabloids claim the joke was "3 points" rather than the ten. If they can't even get a damn joke right, how can anyone take their "rumors" seriously?

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It's an Internet joke that started in 2009 when Emma first went to Brown. But of course some people who stumbled upon it thought it was real, hence why Emma was asked about it last year, which she of course confirmed it false.


Funny thing is the tabloids claim the joke was "3 points" rather than the ten. If they can't even get a damn joke right, how can anyone take their "rumors" seriously?

hahahaha I knooow that's what I was thinking too. That's semi-ridiculous. 3 points? bahaha what teacher would do that? XD

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