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Emma Watson to star in "Bling Ring"

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that's kind of creepy, Captain (the visit, not the information).


 no, that's "gathering of informations". Or "Wenn der Prophet nicht zum Berg kommt, muss der Berg zum Propheten kommen!"


(If the prophet does not come to the mountain, the mountain must come to the Prophet!)

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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I did, and it was so simple.... I met a former business partner from my time at the bank. He is working with some well informed people in London. After three cocktails, a cigar and some smalltalk he promised me to look into the matter. Well, after two more days I got a e-mail with what I wanted. Confidential, of course. But it seems, that the "Strawberry-Cake-Thing" will not happen. So I will visit "The street were you live" [© My fair Lady] in September.

And, befor somebody is making false allegations: I want to see her house, not her!



i can say a lot of things but I thing you  just described yourself

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And you wonder why people think of you as a stalker.


I do not wonder. I do not care what other people think. If you alow that, you live not your own life, but the life other people wants that you live.


And stalking - this needs a direct contact between two persons; otherwise each and everyone posting here would be a stalker. And - I cannot remember that I have met Ms. Watson in person in my life so far - so ........

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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And stalking - this needs a direct contact between two persons; otherwise each and everyone posting here would be a stalker. And - I cannot remember that I have met Ms. Watson in person in my life so far - so ........

though, if you're serious about visiting her house, could you keep yourself from approaching her if she shows up? I know I couldn't. Especially because Emma is usually friendly and doesn't mind having a picture taken.
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though, if you're serious about visiting her house, could you keep yourself from approaching her if she shows up? I know I couldn't. Especially because Emma is usually friendly and doesn't mind having a picture taken.


Ok, so what? I am walking through a public road in North London and there she comes - such things happens to her every day, I mean, that fans are seeing her in the streets of London or New York. Approaching her would depend on the circumstances and if I would have a strawberry-cake with me - but is a one time approach stalking? I don't think so, because in this case she would need her own private judge for injunctions or restraining orders.. It would be stalking if I would camp outside her house for days or weeks, would go back every day (my son and my girlfriend would be very happen if I would spent our holidays in front of a house instead of having fun), would follow her when she leaves the house.

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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Ok, so what? I am walking through a public road in North London and there she comes - such things happens to her every day, I mean, that fans are seeing her in the streets of London or New York.

eh, that's fishy, because you know you don't just happen to be there. It was planned, and the chance that she shows up was calculated beforehand.


Meeting fans somewhere where she doesn't live is also different - it's not a breach of privacy.

Edited by Sacred_Path
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Yup, it is planned to walk through a street in London - like I walk through the Tower of London, the Tower Bridge, The Mall......  You have to make plans if you have only six days to visit your favourite city. And I think, she will not be there. She will be at Brown, studying.....

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I think you're crossing a line there, that I personally simply wouldn't cross, no matter how much I'm interested in her affairs. She definitely wouldn't like what you're doing there - that much we know.

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I don't think she would appreciate the lengths you went through in order to get her adress. That is just not okay and the fact that anyone thinks it is, baffles me completely.

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Two words....E YUCK...so basically part of the Bling Ring-that's what the kids did-stalked the net to try and find the addresses....I wouldnt be proud to share this info with anyone. In fact this creeps me out....and I am not even Emma. So if it creeps me out, imagine how Emma would feel. This is crossing the line. Big time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean right???!!! I dont think there are really safe places anywhere in our world which is sad. My parents grew up in a time where they always doors and windows unlocked-1960's must have been a good era for safe times.

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I did, and it was so simple.... I met a former business partner from my time at the bank. He is working with some well informed people in London. After three cocktails, a cigar and some smalltalk he promised me to look into the matter. Well, after two more days I got a e-mail with what I wanted. Confidential, of course. But it seems, that the "Strawberry-Cake-Thing" will not happen. So I will visit "The street were you live" [© My fair Lady] in September.

And, befor somebody is making false allegations: I want to see her house, not her!

That's just too weird...



Haven't gotten around to see the Bling Ring yet, don't even know when its out here. I'v read lots of mixed reviews, but I want to watch it either way :)

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  • 4 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Woah! Now I have seen this movie,the bling ring, I never really planned that I would because it just didn't sound like it would be my cup of tea, but it was on a cable channel and I thought I would give it a go-and I'm glad i did. it really was much better than i thought. and Emma did a really good job in it.I'm so glad to see that her acting has gotten better!! Her short-breathing and Hermione-acting only came  through during the "interviews".

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LOL Trixie I love your reviews :) ok been gone way too long...sprained my wrist and writing with one hand is very cumbersome but I missed this place so much!!!

Agree that Emma did a very good job as Nicki- she made me actually hate her character LOL

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  • 2 weeks later...

LOL Trixie I love your reviews :) ok been gone way too long...sprained my wrist and writing with one hand is very cumbersome but I missed this place so much!!!

Agree that Emma did a very good job as Nicki- she made me actually hate her character LOL

omg i disliked nikki buut she made me like her in the end. emma gave nikki charisma and sexiness, it was so appealing! even if nikki aint the focus of the movie she steals the whole show. sorry rebecca!

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Ohhh completely agree she stole the show (without meaning to) the thing that surprised me was how this was the same girl who played Hermione and then Sam and then Nicki!!! She was manipulative and nasty and her sister was crazy!! Lol I still disliked her but liked her performance because it the extreme of who Emma is IRL ya know? :)

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