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Emma's Engaged!?!?!?!

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Emma just recently said she was engaged to Rupert Grint on the Regis and Kelly show. Now she won't ever date me.


Goodbye everyone :icontwisted8pz:





I'd wish it is true...

It was so funny!!! Good sense of humour!! :lol:

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LOL!!! I was laughing so hard at that but mostly because it was just so cute! :) "This is from the Grint, come on,this is from the Grint" Awww But yeah the girl has an awesome sense of humor-def kept Reigis quiet! LOL Loved Kelly playing along too.. "bought you an ice cream van as a gesture" and Emma's "as a wedding present" This was the best R/K interview in a while... although Emma saying "no she has to marry Ron and have lot of beautiful red hair babies" was just as awesome :) Ahh Regis ya dont get it when it comes to Ron and Hermione! LOL

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Emma + Rupert is wrong

they're like brother and sister so yes it would be wrong

but hey thats only one man's opinon


It would only be wrong if they were RL brother and sister. But they are not. :)

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Emma + Rupert is wrong

they're like brother and sister so yes it would be wrong

but hey thats only one man's opinon



I agree with you, I think they have nothing in comom

rupert is shy, quiet, low maintance, not very well spoken ( always says um, um, yeah, yeah ) alot

emma is high maintance ( in good way) sophisticated, loves to gossip according to dan, very inteligent

I think if emma & rupert hadn't met in the hp movies, they wouldn't be friends at all if they met later on.

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