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Emma Watson Perks of Being a Wallflower

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A lot of the talk these days are just rumors. However time will tell as she did play in that film, so i personally can't wait to see other future roles this brilliant young actress has to offer!!

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order placed. :)


BTW, I'd really like to know in how many German cities Perks actually was shown. Not anywhere near me, and not anywhere near my sis who lives like 3 hours away in a bigger city.

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In Austria it was only screened in regular cinemas in Vienna and Graz (biggest cities). In smaller towns like my hometown there were three (!) screenings only at a "Arthouse-cinema". I know the operator - so I spent three screenings there........


Maybe three copies only for Germany and Austria.......

Edited by Jonny Claus jr.
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i was doing some work on the road for a former employer, and sadly missed the theater run of Perks, but recently bought the Blu-ray from Amazon. i was blown away by the acting of the three main leads, and continue to be amazed by the acting talent and range of emotion from my still favorite actress, the stunning Emma Watson.


i had read the book a few years back, liked the content, themes, stuggles that were eerily reminiscent of my own less than stellar high school expreiences, but sadly i have always had a problem reading books written in the first person, though i did like the unusal approch of letters to an unnamed friend. i wish the book had been written in the third person, as i may have been able to visualize the characters more, but that's just me. the book definitely brought some emotional memories back for me.


though i live in Virgina now, i am originally from McKeesport, Pa, which is just a few miles outside Pittsburgh, where Perks was shot. i thought the city looked great in scenery and skyline scenes, and the Fort Pitt tunnel and 9th street bridge looked great in the 'i feel infinite' scene. if you haven't yet watched this incredible film, rent it, buy it, watch it! it's time well spent.

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Perks reviewed


Stephen Chbosky had a problem: more than 20 years ago, he wrote a heart-warming novel about the growing up of young people with a lot of insight, understanding and a vocabulary that would allow a reader to read the book again and again. Chbosky then decided to make a movie out of his book. And that was the point where his problem started: the American system of film rating.


If ever in the history of cinema there was a movie which would deserve a "directors cut" more than any other, then it is "Perks of beeing a Wallflower". Because unfortunately the film never comes close to the complexity of the book, and for this it is the film censorship to blame. Because the script for the film was trimmed "family safe" and many storylines of the book that are important for the development of the story and of the characters fell victim to the censor. It is hard to understand, why a 15 year old student can read “Perks†the book, but is not allowed to see the same “content†as a movie. Charlie's traumatic experiences with his aunt are treated in a barely comprehensible visual language (you must watch closely to get a hint what it is all about), the traumatic relationship of his sister and the abortion remains also unmentioned, such as rape, drugs and alcohol. Even Charlie's wonderful journey through the literature remains a minor issue. Thus changing "Perks" into a very harmless teenie-movie, lasting in its effect far beyond the book that knows how to captivate and touch with the description of the ordeals of puberty and adolescence.


What keeps the film above the waterline are some excellent and surprising performances of the young actors. Above all, there is Ezra Miller. His sense of humor, but also his despair over his "otherness" proving him as an actor with a wide range….. We should hope, indeed, that the career of this young man goes straight up. Logan Lerman slips easily into the role of Charlie and makes the character from the novel authentic and close to life. Some camera settings, where you realize that he is older than 15/16 are the only point of criticism - otherwise he made ​​a good performance and kissing Sam must certainly be the icing on this role.


Oh yes - Sam. Do you remember the sometimes wooden acting of a young lady in "Harry Potter" giving us Hermione? Emma Watson is the biggest and most positive surprise in the film. Because it finally shows that she really can act. Because she manages it to show us real emotions (far away from only rising her eyebrows). Because she's gets physical with the thing. And, most importantly, because after 10 minutes you forget that she ever was Hermione. She is such a lovable Sam, that you want to stand up and shout at Charlie “Kiss her, idiot!" Her performance has improved dramatically, and when you see her as Sam, it's sad that your own time at school is over……..


If you believe the stories, it was Emma, ​​who has gained the realization of the film. Perhaps we should ask her to raise some more money for a "director's cut". To make it possible, that the indescribable effect of this novel can also develop on the big screen.

Edited by Jonny Carinthia
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that review is sort of crappy...Emma was never 'wooden' in the role of Hermione, if anything she was the lively heart of that wizarding world, the brightest witch of her generation. i hate critics, who 99.8% of the time are not actors, or have anything to do with film, stage, drama, or performance of any kind. excuse me, there was plenty of drugs and alcohol in the film, the abuse/rape theme is handled in a more between the lines manner, and i think the screenwriter/author/director realized the abortion theme would have been too much in a secondary character, and distract too much from the primary story in the amount of time available. not all material can ever make it into a low-medium budget film. i loved all three main characters, but my obvious bias aside, i thought Emma lit up the screen as Sam. wow!

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Just got around to watching it.


I don't think it's "breakfast club for a new generation", I don't think there are enough iconic elements that everyone can relate to for that. Also I think it the cuts were a little counter-intuitive. I did enjoy the humorous bits though.


As for Emma, I can't quite see the bubbly promiscuous girl she's meant to portray. I think our Emma is still a little too subdued for that. Logan was mostly delightful though.


I had heard that the film was "dark", or as Letterman said, "it makes adolescence seem terror-filled and dark". I don't think so at all. On the contrary, not everyone overcomes psychological disorders so easily, and not everyone can live out their sexuality after being abused as a child. I hear the book is quite a bit darker though, which would seem like a good thing.

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Just got around to watching it.


I don't think it's "breakfast club for a new generation", I don't think there are enough iconic elements that everyone can relate to for that. Also I think it the cuts were a little counter-intuitive. I did enjoy the humorous bits though.


As for Emma, I can't quite see the bubbly promiscuous girl she's meant to portray. I think our Emma is still a little too subdued for that. Logan was mostly delightful though.


I had heard that the film was "dark", or as Letterman said, "it makes adolescence seem terror-filled and dark". I don't think so at all. On the contrary, not everyone overcomes psychological disorders so easily, and not everyone can live out their sexuality after being abused as a child. I hear the book is quite a bit darker though, which would seem like a good thing.

Yeah I bought the book so I can read it before watching the film, the book has more to offer. I feel that there's a balance between the book and the film.

They had to make the film digestible for younger fellas than me and you, that film rating discussion that went on another topic or here.

I loved the book and the film.

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They had to make the film digestible for younger fellas than me and you, that film rating discussion that went on another topic or here.

That, and he probably wanted to make the film more inspirational. 'Murricans.


Oh, and the German voice-overs were OMG horrible.

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Who, by god, watches this movie in German???  :o :o

Me. It's a habit. I watched all the HP movies in German before watching the originals because I really found people's pronounciation in HP to be really hard to understand. Might not be the case with Perks though.
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Me. It's a habit. I watched all the HP movies in German before watching the originals because I really found people's pronounciation in HP to be really hard to understand. Might not be the case with Perks though.


You need a very long holiday in Great Britain. Mainly Scotland and Wales. Then you will understand everything.



i hate critics, who 99.8% of the time are not actors, or have anything to do with film, stage, drama, or performance of any kind.


Hmm, I was working 28 years in different jobs in the movie business..... mainly as producer, scriptwriter and cutter.... so....


Shortcut: I found the book more intense and better then the movie.... But this has nothing to do with the performances of the actors....

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Shortcut: I found the book more intense and better then the movie.... But this has nothing to do with the performances of the actors....

Speaking of which, I think I've given Emma too little credit. So: for Emma personally, this movie really was a huge leap. She did seem much more liberated, and I'm really looking forward to see more of her in the same vein (read: Bling Ring).
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i watched the film again last night, and it was again amazing to see her range of emotion throughout the movie. i love the bedroom scene when she gives Charlie the typewriter present and a first kiss. i liked her bedroom with lights, and that her bed was messy and clothes were hanging on the chair. too many films have bedrooms that don't look lived in, too much like a set piece. her bedroom definitely looked and felt like her persona in the film. i still feel that the film is a more realistic approach to the book's subject matter, given that it is a visual medium, and i felt more sympathetic to her character and others, in the third-person viewing context, than in the book's first-person letters format.

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I watched the film last night, too. I think Stephen Chbosky has made a good job to bring his book into a movie. That is sometimes more risky than it seems. He Cut off some storielines - many with candice, and has given the story more speed. Nothing bad for a film.

The cast was good two. I lied Logan and Ezra has supriesed me and Emma was of course fantastic. All ot them have given me a believabel interpretation of the charakters.

And afterwards i needes some time to resume the film. So it´s a good one for me.


But now when i held the book in my hands again. I have to say that it has his one charming sense and gives the charakters an other special view, beause its Charlie who sees them and jugeges over them in some way.

I can´t say i love the book or the film more. i love both and maybe the film a litte bit more, because of the music and Emma.

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i listened to Stephen Chbosky's commentary as writer/director/producer/screenwriter, and he says that the entire cast, including Emma, Logan, and Ezra, worked for base scale pay on this film, and gave it their all. he praises the cast as his dream cast. i am even further impressed with the talented and beautiful miss Watson.

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he praises the cast as his dream cast. i am even further impressed with the talented and beautiful miss Watson.


I am just a bit mystified by the reasons he might have had to dream of Emma playing this role. I'm not knocking her performance, as I've said I think she's done an ok job. But when reading Sam's part I don't think many people would think of Emma first. So if we rule out the most obvious reason for casting her (greed, i.e. tickets sold), I'd like to know what exactly made him think of Emma.

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I am just a bit mystified by the reasons he might have had to dream of Emma playing this role. I'm not knocking her performance, as I've said I think she's done an ok job. But when reading Sam's part I don't think many people would think of Emma first. So if we rule out the most obvious reason for casting her (greed, i.e. tickets sold), I'd like to know what exactly made him think of Emma.


Following the story, she was one of the actresses who got the script "for consideration". She did not want to do it first because of university, but then she read it (on a Eurostar-train from Paris to London, I think) and she fell in love with the story and boarded the production. And she visited all the big studio-bosses in Hollywood to  get the budget for the movie (so the story goes).

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Yeah i heard that before. She helped the film a lot. But i understand Sacred because as i read it i know it would be Emma playing Sam but it could have been another actress to. Why Chosby saw Emma in Sam i don´t know but i´m glad he did.

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