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Everything posted by Emma_Rules

  1. voted for Kempsville. i live in Virginia Beach, but graduated high school in Pittsburgh, Pa.
  2. i have always liked that photo, and the caption is a nice read. love her! thanks for posting it.
  3. nice pictures, but why do they always have to put huge ugly tags right in the center of the picture?! *sighs*
  4. going to the local zoo on Sunday, with a friend and her kids, as she is recently divorced, and i am still her friend. no, we are just friends, but i had met her through the ex, who no longer talks to me or my friends who knew him. i don't just stop being friends with someone, because of awkwardness due to relatives or ex-relatives.
  5. i started to play TR, but have got distracted by other games and a few new Blu-ray movies. i need to get back and finish it.
  6. rest in peace, sir, and my condolences to the Griffiths family.
  7. that review is sort of crappy...Emma was never 'wooden' in the role of Hermione, if anything she was the lively heart of that wizarding world, the brightest witch of her generation. i hate critics, who 99.8% of the time are not actors, or have anything to do with film, stage, drama, or performance of any kind. excuse me, there was plenty of drugs and alcohol in the film, the abuse/rape theme is handled in a more between the lines manner, and i think the screenwriter/author/director realized the abortion theme would have been too much in a secondary character, and distract too much from the pri
  8. wow, she is gorgeous in those shots. thanks for posting them, everyone.
  9. i refuse to pay for over-priced and lack of choices cable, so i get my tv episodes, commercial-free, from te internetz. i am curently watching The Walking Dead, Justified, and waiting for news on the return of Revolution.
  10. i have a couple of brewskis with friends on Friday night happy hour every now and then, otherwise i rarely drink. lost too many gray matter brain cells in my 15-21 drink-raging days. once i turned 21, there didn't seem to be much point to it, lol. just a bunch of headaches, dui-happy cops everywhere, and very little money in my wallet. *sighs*
  11. gasoline , Monster 4-pack, catfood, sunflower seeds, and a can of compressed air for my pc keyboard. (no, i don't use the air for huffing, lol )
  12. i started reading them in 2003, after seeing the Sorcerer's Stone with my Mom and sister. the books are well written, and i really get into that world, love it. i am pretty satisfied with the films, in hindsight now, though i wish some storylines had made it into the films, like the apparating tests, Hermione's S.P.E.W., and others.
  13. i would have loved to see more of Arthur Weasley, Bill Weasley, and more of Ginny. also, i was rather disappointed that Hermoine's S.P.E.W storyline didn't get a mention or any time in the films.
  14. mine would be a grey or timberwolf, or any wolf for that matter. love wolves.
  15. Hermione, of course. she was the glue that held the three together, and her intelligence, magic talent, female intuition, and unswerving friendship and love, enabled Harry to complete his journey and rid the world of the dastardly voldymort.
  16. i hope she wins some awards for Perks, definitely a great role and performance by the talented and emotionally-alive Emma. my eyes were not dry at times, watching Sam.
  17. i was doing some work on the road for a former employer, and sadly missed the theater run of Perks, but recently bought the Blu-ray from Amazon. i was blown away by the acting of the three main leads, and continue to be amazed by the acting talent and range of emotion from my still favorite actress, the stunning Emma Watson. i had read the book a few years back, liked the content, themes, stuggles that were eerily reminiscent of my own less than stellar high school expreiences, but sadly i have always had a problem reading books written in the first person, though i did like the unusal appro
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