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My three favourite characters are Hermione, McGonagall and Dumbledore. I liked Hermione from the word go just because she was the girl (I was a bit sexist at 11, obviously! :P ) and she liked reading. McGonagall I started to really love after reading OOTP, then I started shipping her with Dumbledore and decided he was great too. :D

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My favourite is Ron from the beginning. He's likely my favourite literary character ever. 


Although I have to say that what I love most is the trio friendship. So in a way one could say the trio is my favourite. I love them all so much. 



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It's so close, and varies slightly depending what I'm reading/watching/feeling. I love all the main characters, expecially the trio of course, plus the Weasleys and the Marauders.

After HBP, my favourite was Dumbledore and Snape tied. When DH came out, Harry rose from a great character to my favourite literary character of all time. I loved him before, but he just amazed me in that book.


So yeah, my top 5 are Harry, Ron, Hermione, Snape and Dumbledore, in varying orders :)

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Actually, Hermione has been one of my favourites characters throughout the books, but I think deep inside I absolutely love Dumbledore. I love his personality, but his flaws too. Almost at the end of DH, when Harry finds out his whole plan, it felt like my idol disappeared. I felt betrayed even, I cried and cried. But you know, when Harry and Dumbledore talk at the station, and you just see everything, how he thought, his past, the whole thing, you just get him. And you just forgive him because he is human. I love that about him. I also love the fact that J.K Rowling decided to make him gay, it adds so much to my whole view of him and I think it's fantastic. Oh, and he has the most kick-ass quotes ever. Sorry, had to get that out there!

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Harry is my fav for many reasons but I am too lazy to say them now. Hermione is my second. I don't really know my top 5 but I do know I love Remus as well, and Luna and the twins and McGonagall. :) Maybe that's my top 5 lol.

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I can't even chose one. But if i had to, it'd be Sirius or Snape . They're both such dramatic characters, suffered a lot and still were so strong.


I also like Ginny a lot, the way she's described in the books (because the way she is in the movies is a bit disappointing)




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  • 2 months later...

In the books I would say Ron. He's very funny, loyal, surprising.

Also I deeply love when Fred and Georges come around, those are great moments - funny and sometimes it has a touch of maturity.


Ginny becomes more and more interesting also, and Hermione is very touching. She's funny in her own way, it's what makes her frienship with Ron that makes their moments together so interesting to read.


I would have like Harry a lot more if he wasn't strugglling that much XD

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  • 5 months later...

My favourite character in the books has always been Hermione,-i love her personality and how she speaks to Ron haha :lol: she's also very loyal to Harry and other friends which is a great virtue to have

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thats difficault. i love both ron and hermione so much !


but my favourite charaters, would probably Snape and Harry. (in that order)


Harry did what he had to, and i just love him, for who he is, his bravery...but the thing is...everyone knew him to be a 'hero'..and he got credit for 'living'...dunno?


but snape...i dunno, for me, hes the real hero....a real hero, does what he needs to, and keeps on doing it, even if he doesnt get recodnized for it !...his whole life, people hated him, ..yet, he never really hated anyone in return. hes the real hero, :(

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  • 4 months later...
  • 1 month later...

i like Snape, he's fascinating in my opinion. but my favorite character is McGonagall, she reminds me of a former teacher of mine, she's a brilliant woman, a good teacher, an amazing witch... she can be funny too ! i really enjoyed the last movie because she had great scenes :)

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