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The Rupert And Emma Thread

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OMG that video is AWESOME...what I didnt notice before and you have to pause it-at the London Premiere-someone was able to take pics of them from the back- EMMA's HAND is down my Rupert's "chair area" hehe and his hand is directly on her back...her hand on Dan's shoulder-she easily could have had that hand up higher on Rupert ;) LOVE THIS... plus seeing close ups of Rupert's hand on Emma at the NY Premiere-he is holding on very tightly-almost possessively but in a good way like "she belongs w. me" :) Thank you Luciana for that awesome vid!!! That song SO fits.

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I'm not a real life shipper. I guess I just don't really care that much. But I think they have an amazing chemistry. I understand why so many ships these two. They just make such good pics. Really would like to see a photoshoot of them together.

I am a fan of both Rupert and Emma. I don't doubt for a sec that they both have had crushes on each other .

I think some looks they've been giving each other over the years are enough "proves".

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hey Trixie, I think it at least tells us that we (the shippers) aren't completely off base when people who don't ship them come by and tell us how good they look together. So thank you! :lol:


I've been sick and then gone for a bit visiting family, so I apologize if this has been linked already, and I'm sorry I don't have the right person to credit, but here's a picture off of tumblr that my friend Noura linked to me that I thought was really cute/cool, so I wanted to share it. :P Hope ya all like it as much as I did!


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OMG that video is AWESOME...what I didnt notice before and you have to pause it-at the London Premiere-someone was able to take pics of them from the back- EMMA's HAND is down my Rupert's "chair area" hehe and his hand is directly on her back...her hand on Dan's shoulder-she easily could have had that hand up higher on Rupert ;) LOVE THIS... plus seeing close ups of Rupert's hand on Emma at the NY Premiere-he is holding on very tightly-almost possessively but in a good way like "she belongs w. me" :) Thank you Luciana for that awesome vid!!! That song SO fits.


Wow I noticed it too!!!! :lostit: Now I understand why Rupert said that Emma likes to squeeze spots!!

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hey Trixie, I think it at least tells us that we (the shippers) aren't completely off base when people who don't ship them come by and tell us how good they look together. So thank you! :lol:


I've been sick and then gone for a bit visiting family, so I apologize if this has been linked already, and I'm sorry I don't have the right person to credit, but here's a picture off of tumblr that my friend Noura linked to me that I thought was really cute/cool, so I wanted to share it. :P Hope ya all like it as much as I did!



OMG!!!!!!!! thats the cutest thing ever!!! thanks so much for posting jon!

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LOL!!! Luciana your comment was gold :)


Jon, that is made of all awesome...apparently this scene will be in the deleted scenes on the DVD :) CANT WAIT and cant wait for photoshoots and promos all over again w. our sexy, gorgeous couple!!!! :)

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My reaction to 1:59 --> :ohyeah::lostit:

Oh Emma!

These two just have to be together atm. There's no other way. Seriously.


I think you mean 1:49. But yes, I was like :lostit: . I had to stop it and see it again to be sure I was seeing what I thought that I was seeing!!

About the mysterious photoshoot, I think they did it as Ron and Hermione. Maybe for a poster? :unsure:

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I'm not a real life shipper. I guess I just don't really care that much. But I think they have an amazing chemistry. I understand why so many ships these two. They just make such good pics. Really would like to see a photoshoot of them together.

I am a fan of both Rupert and Emma. I don't doubt for a sec that they both have had crushes on each other .

I think some looks they've been giving each other over the years are enough "proves".


Hi Trixie! Welcome to the forums! I missed your post earlier. I couldn't check the forums for a few days and now I'm trying to catch up.

You know, these two have such a wonderful chemistry that I started to ship them in RL without actually noticing it.

Since that moment in London '07 when Emma embraced Rupert so tightly in a headlock, I started suspecting that something more than meets the eye was up with those two.

And as time goes by, their interactions have only strenghtened such feelings imo.

I don't think I'll ever ship another RL 'couple' again as I'm not interested in such, but R/E are quite unique.


I think you mean 1:49. But yes, I was like :lostit: . I had to stop it and see it again to be sure I was seeing what I thought that I was seeing!!

About the mysterious photoshoot, I think they did it as Ron and Hermione. Maybe for a poster? :unsure:


1:49, totally. Sorry about the typo.

I did exactly the same. Just froze it at 1:49 to double-check my eyes were seeing correctly. LOL


Well, Emma was just doing a favor to all the girls in the world in the end.

When they kissed she said that there would be tons of girls who would chop their arms off to kiss Rupert, so of course she would follow suit with the other thing such fans would love to do too: squeeze his 'chair area'. ;)


I have a very strong feeling that Emma is referring to herself (among many, many others) when she uses the 'Rupert-fans' term. :rofl:

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Hi you guys! It's been so long now since I last posted but just wanted to greet ya'll a super Merry Christmas and New Years!!


As for Rupert and Emma, I read that they were spotted - separately, of course lol - at some kind of department store or something... last minute shopping, perhaps? Lol. In any case, it still makes my shipper heart flutter.

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HEHE... good one vida!!! ;) Luciana and vida- I was having the same reaction when I saw that part w. R/E ;)


Ok guys-coincidence time... Rupert and Emma were spotted at the same store apparently today and shopping in the same section...we dont know if it was together or not because the tweeter didnt say LOL THIS CAN NOT BE COINCIDENCE ;) Vida what ya said about Emma's hand near Rupert's chair area hehe-something is SOOO up w/ these 2 and I am loving it-what a nice bday present I may get this year ;)

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The 'incriminating' tweets:


Spotted: Rupert Grint in the vintage furniture department of Selfridges.


Oh yeah I saw Emma Watson in Selfridges earlier on today. She was shopping in vintage area.


It doesn't say that they were together, but they were definitely in the same place and the same section, on the same day. :ohyeah:


Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays), R/E shippers! :D

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The 'incriminating' tweets:


Spotted: Rupert Grint in the vintage furniture department of Selfridges.


Oh yeah I saw Emma Watson in Selfridges earlier on today. She was shopping in vintage area.


It doesn't say that they were together, but they were definitely in the same place and the same section, on the same day. :ohyeah:


Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays), R/E shippers! :D


That's too much of a coincidence.... just sayin'


Glad to know they have the same taste... :rofl:

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The 'incriminating' tweets:


Spotted: Rupert Grint in the vintage furniture department of Selfridges.


Oh yeah I saw Emma Watson in Selfridges earlier on today. She was shopping in vintage area.


It doesn't say that they were together, but they were definitely in the same place and the same section, on the same day. :ohyeah:


Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays), R/E shippers! :D


I want pictures!!!!! :yesyes:

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I want pictures!!!!! :yesyes:


The tweets were posted by two different people who spotted them separately so, even if they told the truth (as I believe), R/E would not appear together in the same pic... ;)


Again, if those tweets are true, it only raises my suspicion as to why R/E where in the same place but did not want to be seen together... uhmmm

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I doubt they went at the same time, they're not dumb. That would bring attention. But same store, same section, same day yeah lol. Also, rupert was spotted at Relentless Garage, a store in Islington. That's the town emma lives in. It was on the same day they finished reshoots of the epilogue.


"Empertgrintson" from the R/E forums said this:


''My housemate said to me that Emma was going out with 'Ron' - in her words. She doesn't know much about them or anything but she seems pretty convinced! This was just randomly in the car during a random conversation of Emma's new haircut, as you do. Woop!


Oooh shopping together, eh? This makes me happy! So, Emma might possibly help him move furniture around,.she'll stay over and they'll chill on his new, well, old sofa over a bottle of wine and....tehehe me and my dirty mind, but you get the picture! Haa''

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I doubt they went at the same time, they're not dumb. That would bring attention. But same store, same section, same day yeah lol. Also, rupert was spotted at Relentless Garage, a store in Islington. That's the town emma lives in. It was on the same day they finished reshoots of the epilogue.


"Empertgrintson" from the R/E forums said this:


''My housemate said to me that Emma was going out with 'Ron' - in her words. She doesn't know much about them or anything but she seems pretty convinced! This was just randomly in the car during a random conversation of Emma's new haircut, as you do. Woop!


Oooh shopping together, eh? This makes me happy! So, Emma might possibly help him move furniture around,.she'll stay over and they'll chill on his new, well, old sofa over a bottle of wine and....tehehe me and my dirty mind, but you get the picture! Haa''


Hmmm interesting!! I wonder how that girl is convinced that Emma and Rupert were going out!! :0_0:

Is this a Christmas's gift??

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hey Trixie, I think it at least tells us that we (the shippers) aren't completely off base when people who don't ship them come by and tell us how good they look together. So thank you! :lol:


I've been sick and then gone for a bit visiting family, so I apologize if this has been linked already, and I'm sorry I don't have the right person to credit, but here's a picture off of tumblr that my friend Noura linked to me that I thought was really cute/cool, so I wanted to share it. :P Hope ya all like it as much as I did!




OMG I ADORE THIS <3 this is the cutest thing ever

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MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) Family festivities all day long today and all day long tomorrow ;) I love this time of year!! :)


Btw Dear Santa,

We R/E shippers are asking for a few things if you dont mind :) A pic/pics of R/E together as a couple, a hot and sexy photoshoot of R/E for DH, and non stop promotions of R/Hr for DH. Thank you Santa!! :)


Love, R/E shippers ;)

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