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Emma Watson Perks of Being a Wallflower

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What I have to laugh at is that yes the media makes Emma out to be (as she put it- "a dating whore")...the media is constantly hooking her up with these guys and I believe when Emma says things in her interviews it is genuine. If she is dating Johnny Simmons and the guy makes her happy then good for her. Otherwise until Emma or even Johnny confirms or whichever guy she is with then thats when I believe it. As for this rumor, I have not heard anything about it or anywhere in entertainment news. But then again I dont go watching entertainment news LOL I think we can all agree on this: we want Emma to be happy with whichever man she is with :)

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Good call!!! It is hard to believe Perks will be done filming soon! I am so looking forward to seeing this movie...some because my friend is from Pitt and has been telling me about some of the places they have been filming.

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Good call!!! It is hard to believe Perks will be done filming soon! I am so looking forward to seeing this movie...some because my friend is from Pitt and has been telling me about some of the places they have been filming.


When is filming supposed to end?

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What I have to laugh at is that yes the media makes Emma out to be (as she put it- "a dating whore")...the media is constantly hooking her up with these guys and I believe when Emma says things in her interviews it is genuine. If she is dating Johnny Simmons and the guy makes her happy then good for her. Otherwise until Emma or even Johnny confirms or whichever guy she is with then thats when I believe it. As for this rumor, I have not heard anything about it or anywhere in entertainment news. But then again I dont go watching entertainment news LOL I think we can all agree on this: we want Emma to be happy with whichever man she is with :)


The media does that to every celebrity, though. It's not just Emma.


Personally, I find Emma's choices in men much more down to earth than, say, Britney Spears. At least Emma has never gotten drunk, gotten married in Las Vegas, then filed a divorce 48 hours later (when she's sober!)


I just hope Emma is happy. (She'd be happiest with me, but that's beside the point! LOL)

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Personally, I find Emma's choices in men much more down to earth than, say, Britney Spears. At least Emma has never gotten drunk, gotten married in Las Vegas, then filed a divorce 48 hours later (when she's sober!)


At the risk of sounding rash, and since you're deficating on Spears, why don't I give you a dose of reality.

Our favorite Heroine has never had to work hard. She has been told what to say, wear to look, and what to wear.

Spears has worked her A-- off to make a check. Spears just didn't go to school one day and get picked into

the largest music franchise in history.


I don't see Miss Emma, doing 3-4 shows a week for 10 mos straight. Miss Emma dosen't have to come

up with the words she speaks for the next film as Spears does for her next release.


Mistakes, oh YEA..BIG TIME...but then don't we all? Let they who have not sined cast the first stone.

You mention you have never seen Miss Emma drunk..that's correct...SEEN!! We also didn't see her 'dating'

the young tall finacier a year before filming DH..


So I think there may be much WE have not seen.

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WOAH... not COOL!!!! Why are you here if you are clearly not an Emma fan? Plus this has nothing to do with that thread-it is the PERKS of BEING A WALLFLOWER THREAD... but since you were willing to act so rudely I will stick up for Emma... you want to discuss BS who I would NEVER in a million years want any of my girls to idolize (thank GOD they choose Emma to do that) then head to a BS forum. Plus Ship never called Emma perfect. Excuse me but Emma has had to work JUST AS HARD each year since she was a KID and has CHOSEN NOT to waste her money or act like a fool for the press like BS has. If more of today's young actresses and singers could show even half the class and style as Emma, some of our young women today would be stronger people. Mods I am sorry for deviating from the thread but this person's post was very unnecessary regardless if it is their opinion.

Anyway back on topic... was the whole movie shot in Pittsburgh or will they be doing stuff in studios as well? It will be really cool to hear Emma with an American accent I just remembered!! :)

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@ Kenne:


Are you sure you picked the right forum?


Sure, Emma was "at the right place at the right time" when she got the part, and the fame that opened doors for her just came with it. But if she hadn't worked hard she would never have kept any of it up. Had she been lazy, she would have been replaced by the producers and directors of the series in the blink of an eye.


She also managed to finish school with great marks, something many people fail in WITHOUT having to work in something resembling a fulltime-job from the age of 10.


This is someone speaking who likes Brit's music and respects her work, by the way.

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Also if ya go to Borders and Barnes and Noble, I saw they had copies...unless ya tried those stores already sorry! Also, sometimes Target in their book section or Walmart in their book section will carry the books. Good luck!

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I just hope Emma is happy. (She'd be happiest with KS987, but that's beside the point! LOL)


Fixed it for ya. ;)




I think the filming ends next week.


I heard that it ends at the end of this month as well. So Emma will have spent about two months filming Perks. I didn't think filming would go by that quickly.

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I guess since we are used to HP filming (a year plus! wow), this was literally fast motion LOL...but yea it doesnt seem long but arent some movies between 2-6 months usually? I guess it depends on the type of movie as well.

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I'm 21 pages into the ebook.


So far, I'm having a hard time following it. I don't like the way the writer writes. I suppose he's trying to write like a 13 year old, but it's frustrating to read.


The plot is interesting, though, so I'm very excited about seeing it transferred to the big screen!

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I'm 21 pages into the ebook.


So far, I'm having a hard time following it. I don't like the way the writer writes. I suppose he's trying to write like a 13 year old, but it's frustrating to read.


The plot is interesting, though, so I'm very excited about seeing it transferred to the big screen!


It's a pretty fast read but I totally get what you mean! He is def writing as the POV of I think a 15 year old...it reminds me of when I was in high school the story-scary to see how many of these things friends of mine went thru :( Yes I cant wait to see it transferred to the big screen!!!


If not online...like I said try Target or Walmart...book sections sometimes carry the popular books :)

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I'm 21 pages into the ebook.


So far, I'm having a hard time following it. I don't like the way the writer writes. I suppose he's trying to write like a 13 year old, but it's frustrating to read.


The plot is interesting, though, so I'm very excited about seeing it transferred to the big screen!


Yeah, it takes some adjustment. It's basically a series of letters to an unnamed person. Look at it more as reading someones journal/diary.

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